The Project
While I was working for Crawford and Associates I designed and developed a website prototype for the Professional Business Women of California.
Professional BusinessWomen of California
Role & Duration
User Experience Architect – Fall 2022- Fall 2023
My role on this project was graphic designer and front-end developer; User flows and stories, Sketching, Flow Diagrams, Stakeholder presentations, Wireframing, Visual Design, Prototyping
The Challenge

The PBWC site was very dated and needed a refresh. Additionally the logo and content were awkward in in need of reimagining. The CEO of our company was a member and offered our services to help the organization.
- Reduce clutter
- Improve logo and branding for better consistency, and reuse
- New color pallet
The final design I came up with reduced the amount of content on the page, reduced the noise in the navigation, added more color to brighten the mood of the site, and reduced the number of menu items. This allowed us to consolidate the site content and organize it better. The logo in the header was reduced in size to take up less space and was adaptable to other applications because the white space was reduced. Some of the alternate designs had elements that worked well: more use of images to reduce text, and have a more human focus.