Man Holding a Paper Cutout with the HTML5 Logo

HTML 5 – More semantic page elements

In an effort to continue the advancement of web technology it seems that everyone, a panel of industry giants, got together and started formulating the next version of HTML standards. HTML 5 incorporates into the HTML standarda new set of tags that should bring the standard in line with how developers are currently using CSS to structure their pages. I know that statement calls into question the whole standards movement, but it’s true.

Because the older standards for HTML didn’t consider how people actually structured pages, and only thought about structure for elements on a page developers have had to use CSS to structure their pages. We all use id tags like Header, Footer, Content etc. to structure our HTML. Well I guess it finally caught up with the everyone and they decided to do something about it, HTML 5. The current proposal will take the structure out of CSS and move it into a new set of tags in HTML.

For example instead of using