• man riding bicycle on road

    It was the best of times…

    Here it is, the route I ended up on this weekend: It was a miserably fantastic ride to the top, the last six miles to the summit felt like 15 miles. On the descent down Bear Creek Road I glanced back for a second, just long enough to slam into a big rock when I…

  • black road bike

    Cracked Titanium Frame

    It’s officially over. I finally cracked my Performance Titanium frame after all these years. I put a lot of miles on it and it was a great frame while it lasted. The weld on the drive side seat stay, right behind the seat clamp cracked, and the crack was spreading across the tube. Oh well.…

  • A Person using Smartphone


    I would be remiss if I didn’t give mention to this other great site for routing and searching for bicyclists: Check it out. It’s a similar service to Bikely, but a little slicker site, and it seems more heavily used. Thanks to Nils Talbot for suggesting this site to me…

  • A Person using Smartphone


    I just found this fantastic mash up site for cyclists called Bikely.com. You can map routes and share them with other riders. This is a map of the route I ride to work.