• I’m Famous…in Roseville

    I was interviewed along with several other bicycle commuters at HP in Roseville. We rode around for a bit having our pictures taken. It doesn’t look like my picture made the story, but I was quoted. Now that everyone knows I was riding three days a week I need to get back on my schedule.…

  • U.S. Grand Tour

    I just read that there is a company planning a grand tour of America. Much like the Tour de France, Giro D’Italia, and the Vuelta d’Espagne. This race would go coast to coast for ~4,000 miles over 30 days. Why not, the United States has some of the most majestic, and challenging terrain in the…

  • Jason and Jaime Laskowski’s Wedding!

    I was away this weekend at our close friends’ wedding. The people who were there were amazing, I can’t imagine a more wonderful group of people all coming together to celebrate the joining of Jason and Jaime. It was an amazing weekend, and I have the pictures to prove it. Congratulations to you both!!! Main…

  • Bicycle Pedal on Shelf

    Loose Cranks

    On two occasions my non-drive side crank arm has started coming loose. The Truvative I disassembled the crank from the bottom bracket spindle and cleaned the grease off the spindle and put it all back together. The second time it came loose it used degreaser, and blew all the grease out of the crank bolt…

  • Cable housing frame protection noise reduction

    Fantastic! I finally found something to help with the clanking of the cables on my carbon frame. The housing along the head tube makes a rattly-clanky noise when I roll over bumps. These little split tubes slip over the housing and deaden the noise from the frame-housing interaction. Check them out.

  • Codes on Tilt Shift Lens

    Software and Web Development Methodology

    I’ve recently been victim to a number of software roll outs that were being managed by other people. Each of these experiences brought a single question to mind…What are they thinking? Either they stopped teaching best practices at the university, or I have had the distinct pleasure of witnessing projects that followed some unique system…

  • Photos placed on printer near table with cup of coffee

    Why re-invent the wheel

    Companies need to check to see if there’s already a solution before solving problems. The new wheel is Tabblo, a slick web based technology for internet users to print blogs, images on flickr, and other web sites. Whoo-hoo now I can print web pages… Hmmm I don’t remember not being able to print web pages…

  • Glass Panels Exterior of the Microsoft Building

    Why go forward when you can go backwards?

    It’s official Vista is was rushed to market. It’s been reported that playing an MP3 file will throttle network traffic to roughly 10% capacity. The reports vary in which network types are affected but there is no doubt that Microsoft officially throttled network capacity because they noticed that there was some distortion without the throttling.…

  • Glass Panels Exterior of the Microsoft Building

    Microsoft and Standards, an oxymoron

    It was recently reported that Microsoft was discovered to have payed off companies to join the standards organization deciding OOXML. On the surface this is shady, but there are longer term consequences as well.